A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Saturday 2 January 2010

Between the Flags

I was trying to match the join in the flag colours with the join between the sky and land, but nothing would stay still for me.

On a clear day,  from the beach at Caloundra you can see almost the entire length of Bribie Island, but on a day when there's a stiff breeze, spray and mist obscure the view.

Today the weather was somewhere between the two extremes.



Tara R. said...

It's easy to tell how much the wind is whipping the flags. Wonderful shot of the coastline.

Lowell said...

I'd say you did a very nice job matching things up. This is a dramatic photograph! Fun to look at! You can almost feel the wind.

Thanks so much for your kind words...I'll be back on and off for awhile.

And a very wonderful New Year to you, too!

P.S. We received Christmas cards from two of our relatives in Australia!

Annie said...

Ah, Caloundra, Bribie Island!! How I love them!

Margaret Gosden said...

Looks like a pretty good match to me! I love the colour of the sea: The Cruel Sea - a title that comes to mind.

Linda Jacobs said...

Oh, I so want to be there! Can't wait for summer.

I love the composition of this photo with the flag. Good job lining it up. And the misty background is so dreamy.

I'm not sure about the Kindle, yet, either, but am liking it more and more. At first, I was distracted because I could see the buttons and kept wanting to play with them. But, then, I got into the book and forgot all about them. The screen is much easier to read than a computer screen. Some new technology that simulates a paper page.

Congrats on the new grandchild in May!

Petrea Burchard said...

It's a darned good attempt, I'd say. Happy New Year!

Julie said...

Agreed, a darned good attempt. Only the obsessed would want more!

This new format seems to really reflect your love of pastels ... seaside pastels.

WV = singic
A musical syndrome to which oldies are prone when they realise the pleasures of retirement.

Joan Elizabeth said...

You can't have it both ways ... a flag at full flutter and it staying still.

Dunno about you and pastels ... you've always been a bright colour guy to my eye.

bitingmidge said...

I played for quite a while with background combinations. This one I think happens to have many of the colours and tones that appear naturally on the coast, so it sets the pics up in a nice light....

That's the (colour) theory anyway...

Anonymous said...

Nothing can be easy in a country so subborn it insists Christmas and the New Year take place in summer. Some day I MUST see that. I also want to see water go counter clockwise down the drain.

Julie ScottsdaleDailyPhoto.com said...

nice image and so much wind!

TheChieftess said...

You came verrry close to a perfect match!!! And yes...I can practically feel the wind too!!! Happy New Year!!!

Babzy.B said...

thanks for your nice comment ! I'm glad to hear that you plan a visit to our beautiful little city , if so , i hope we could have a drink together ;)

Joan Elizabeth said...

I agree is it a good match of colour scheme with your part of the world and if the background was bright it would compete with your wonderful images.

Aimz said...

yes very wise to swim between the flags.

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