A quiet winter's night at Mooloolaba. People dressed appropriately, bracing themselves against the cold of the night!
I understand this is not one of the 73% of Australia's Starbucks Stores that are closing today. It's always a sad time when people lose their jobs (over 600 in this country, nothing like the 12,000 in the US), but it also has to be said that the chain is not universally accepted, and the sympathy will not necessarily extend to the chain.
Here, we favour a stronger European style of coffee than Starbucks offers, served in something other than a paper cup!
Never the less it will leave a hole in the retail environment that will be missed by many. One wonders at the long term future for the non Capital City stores like this one.
Edit - March 2010: eighteen months after this original post "anonymous" posted a comment below. As a customer of the store picutred, I can concur that it is a great example of its kind and it does in fact offer an alternative to paper cups!