A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Friday 14 December 2018

Monday 10 December 2018

Sunday 9 December 2018

Saturday 8 December 2018

Friday 7 December 2018

Swamp Banksia 2

It's just that at every stage of flowering, different birds appear.

Dicky Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday 6 December 2018

Swamp Banksia

You'll get tired of these before I do!   Day one of five!

Dicky Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday 5 December 2018

Can't see the bottom.

Tooway Creek is not very deep, but sometimes it's bottomless none the less.

Moffat Beach.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Tuesday 4 December 2018

Why no sunrise photos?

I have been asked why I never seem to take photos at sunrise.  I am not sure what other people are doing at 4:30 in the morning, but I am not taking photographs!

Almost sunset.
 Moffat Beach. 

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Monday 3 December 2018

Sunday 2 December 2018


Just one post, rounded at the top and completely green with algae.  Why aren't they all like this?

Moffat Beach.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Saturday 1 December 2018

Friday 30 November 2018

Bottle Brush

The Calistamon flower is more commonly known as the Bottle Brush, for obvious reasons and there are plenty of bottle brushes round these parts.

Moffat Beach.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday 29 November 2018

Golden Cane

The Golden Cane Palm is a native to Madagascar, and there's enough of it round here to make any Madagascan feel quite at home.    It's almost as ubiquitous as the rubber thong.

Moffat Beach.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday 28 November 2018

Purple Pea

There is just one question to be asked:  Is this a "nice" dune pea, or a "nasty" one, and invader from across the seas intent on the destruction of all that lies beneath it, or a native happily preserving the status of the dunes for future generations?

Moffat Beach.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Tuesday 27 November 2018

Monday 26 November 2018


Stripped of its asbestos cladding, the skeleton of what once was a family home sits on death row.  Tomorrow a digger will come and it will be painlessly taken from this world.

Dicky Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 25 November 2018

Several, Not Fifty Shades of Grey.

There's a disturbing trend in our street, which is seeing the world return to the days before colour film was invented.  Thankfully the inhabitants are not so beige.

Dicky Beach.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday 22 November 2018

Shipping News

Barely back from a world of checking what lurks over that horizon, as the jetlag finally begins to subside with it comes that whiff of wistfulness as we gaze out to sea, hoping it'll all be waiting for us when we get back!

Moffat Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Friday 16 November 2018

In the bush.

I've often tried to capture this little patch of bushland on the path to Moffat Beach.  Today was the day it sort of worked for me...

Moffat Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday 15 November 2018

That first sunset.

After an extended absence, that first sunset over Tooway Creek.....

Moffat Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 11 November 2018

Ever Changing.

It has a. name, this little creek at Dicky Beach, and I can't think of it to save myself!   It doesn't appear on any of the internet maps which makes me think it was bestowed in recent times.   

Dicky Beach


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 4 November 2018

Wave Form

It's a pet peeve of mine, buildings that try to look like waves.   But from this angle, at this time of day, I'm not peeved at all.

Moffat Headland.


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 28 October 2018

Top of the hill, late afternoon.

Well no, actually it's still early morning - the shadow on the western side of the trees is a dead giveaway.   My bad,,,


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

Moffat Headland
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 21 October 2018

Wish I was there!

There's nothing like it, but with my abilities or lack thereof,  if I was the only other surfer out, I'd accidentally drop in on him and ruin his wave!

Moffat Headland


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 14 October 2018

Wiggly lines

I wonder what the surfing term for a wiggly line of waves is?

Whatever it is, it's swell! 😂

Moffat Headline?


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 7 October 2018

Buying a consonant.

Senseless destruction.   We need an MoffATeEr'S LooKouT.

I hope their Mum's are very proud of them.... maybe she's even gone all crafty and made fridge magnets from her idiot children's handiwork.  At least if she has, someone is benefitting from the thought.

Moffat Beach


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 30 September 2018

Rocks and Waves

Nothing to see here folks - move along. ....or stay a while and just watch if you like.

Moffat Headland


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 23 September 2018

Sunrise on a Headland

A nice place to sit and not think.
Moffat Headland


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 16 September 2018

Sunrise under bridge.

This photograph is notable only for the fact that I was there when the sun was barely above the horizon.  I wonder why I couldn't sleep that day?

Tooway Creek


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 9 September 2018

Tip Turkey

The poor old white ibis is much maligned - it's hard to believe that it's not got something to do with it's general lack of attractiveness.   There's no doubt the species does breed well when there's ample food (but which species doesn't?).   But really, does it really deserve  monikers like "Bin Bird", "Dumpster Diver", Flying Rat.... and I could go on?

Moffat Beach


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 2 September 2018

She sells seashells.

Nothing but blue skies.

Moffat Beach


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 26 August 2018

PIneapple? Nope!

A week out of sequence, but here we see the fruit of the pandanus.  On the left the hard green bit impersonating a pineapple, on the right the ripe orange one, with fruit segments already fallen.    For a peek at what those bits look like, go back one week! (perhaps that's only one post?)


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 19 August 2018


Technically these are the fruit of the pandanus, not the nuts but they are the size of a child's fist, hard, and heavy and they give a fair old bonk if they hit you on the head.


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 12 August 2018

Beach Graphics

And the shady bits move too!

Moffat Beach


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 5 August 2018


Once upon a time "SUP" was a contraction for the greeting "What's up?"  Now of course it's "Stand Up Paddleboard".   A year or two ago, some visiting friends from Europe were astonished to see them being ridden in the surf - we on the other hand were astonished that anyone would contemplate using them in still water!

Moffat Headland


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 29 July 2018


This photograph was actually taken in May, which technically is in Autumn, and the giveaway is that there is just a touch too much cloud about, but it's still quite reminiscent of a winter's day at Moffat Headland.


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday 25 July 2018

Headland Forms

Curving the balcony face is not something that's difficult to do in construction terms, but it does make a huge difference to the street.   Imagine if these buildings were all big square boxes lined in one plane....

Moffat Beach


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 22 July 2018

Pointless destruction

Our Council has an interesting dynamic.  The planners plan, and someone pays vast sums of money for designers to design, and landscapers to landscape.   Then, the maintenance guys come along, and don't like maintaining anything that can't be trimmed with a mower, so out it all comes and off to the tip.

This, at the end of our street was once a nice hedge of native grasses less than a metre high.  Perhaps it will be lawn by the time I get back.

Dicky Beach


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 15 July 2018

Winter 2

Moffat Headland, Winter 2018


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 8 July 2018


There are definitely days when one thinks there's nothing wrong with spending winter at home.

Tooway Creek


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 1 July 2018

Another experiment

Still experimenting with that phone.   Still a little amazed, but then my last one was pretty much from the clockwork era.

Moffat Beach.


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday 27 June 2018

Dune Grass

I am surprised at how many places in the world I have visited where the dune grasses look just like this.

Holland, Belgium, Canada, USA,
Dicky Beach


Having bitten off more than I could chew in the early part of this year, I was unable to produce the catalogue which enables me to post daily on this blog while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.

I did manage to gather a scattering of photos over the last few weeks of my stay this year so sadly will now make this a weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November in the meantime feel free to keep up with our travels on our other daily blog, Fading Memories.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia

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