A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Wednesday 9 December 2009


There's a storm coming, yet one cloud illuminates the beach and reflects in the rockpools.

I think I could spend a year photographing them without becoming bored.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Aimz said...

same here, I love watching all the little life that teems through the rockpools

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Beautiful patterns; the reflected light makes it look almost like metal. Or ice.

Three Rivers Daily Photo

Jim said...

It's beautiful.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Bergson said...

You're right, they are beautiful

Julie said...

Ah, so that is when your 3 yo was paddling through the other day. The rock appears to be smooth and fragile. Not that I want to be tossed against them to check that out!!

Lowell said...

Striking! At first I thought this was a photo taken from space. Amazing shot!

Lois said...

Wow this would definitely make a great Watery Wednesday post!

Gunn said...


Mirela said...

I love this one! The composition, light, everything is perfect.

Mirela said...

I love this one! The composition, light, everything is perfect.

Jilly said...

I think we could spend a year looking at them, Peter. This is so beautiful.

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