A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Thursday 10 December 2009

My Hat!

No, it's actually not mine, but I do have one like it.

Even late in the afternoon it's great for keeping those nasty rays off, but sometimes in the evening breeze it needs a steadying hand.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Julie said...

The acreage of the brim is appealing whereas the fashion is more appaling.

Straw hats are a pain as they crease and crack so readily and how do you shove it in your backpack. I bought a raffia hat and that is not much better.

Linda Jacobs said...

And I wish I could take photographs like yours! Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

My day is complete; I was visited by the famous Peter. About straw hats: Once they're sat on, they never come back.

lizziviggi said...

Love this picture! I thought maybe it was an "Oh my goodness!" gesture, since I can't see the expression-- but you're right, maybe it was just breezy!

valeria said...

You take beautiful photos... this one makes me feel the warmth of the sun...

Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

Olá amigo! Passei para agradecer pela tua visita e o teu comentário. Gostaria se possível, me informasses como me achaste e qual o processo. Fiquei muito feliz e espero que voltes mais vezes, pois será sempre um prazer renovado.
Realmente, ter um chapel na cabeça é bom para evitar os raios solares. Só que, a tardinha quando a brisa é forte, necessário se faz segurá-lo com a mão, senão o vento leva. Linda foto! Parabéns!



Lowell said...

Hats are more necessary now than ever! We have an epidemic of skin cancer in Florida! Still, people sit out in the sun by the ocean for hours on end.

What you need is a hat with straps to tie under your chinny-chin-chin!

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Love the photo - and the hat!

Three Rivers Daily Photo

Jilly said...


You won the competition on Monte Carlo DP, Peter. Send snail mail address pls.

Laura said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Your photos are amazing!!
Once of these days I'll be visiting your side of the world. It's on my list :-)

Babzy.B said...

nice and funny shot !

Kate said...

Love the photo; always like photos of people taken from the back!

Lois said...

I like it! I need one of those.

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