A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Seven Days of Wood
3 - The Boardwalk

The Boardwalk through the Melaleuca forest will carry you to the beach, without damaging the understory plants.



Birdman said...

Now that's a lot of wood, natural and otherwise!

Julie said...

I always wonder about the value of these boardwalks. They are usually close to the ground and block both light and rain. The area around Cradle Mountain is littered with board walks like this.

Like the fact that you over-achieved on your Wood project and dont let anything go to waste!

Bill said...

We love walking on these boardwalks. Probably been on that one.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Julie had already said more or less what I was going to say - here though boardwalks are usually over muddy or sandy areas.

Babzy.B said...

beautiful path !

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