A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Monday 5 November 2012

Things are Looking Up

Somewhere in the middle of the afternoon yesterday, lounging over a long lunch at a friend's place, I looked up, took out my phone and sent their verandah roof to the internet.

I'm sure that's making the best possible use of such a wondrous resource!

Twin Waters.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo

1 comment

Annie said...

I thought at least there would be a python or a possum up there.

The lady who owns the tennis courts out at Brookfield, has a python she calls Philip!! She is never quite sure where he is going to turn up First time I saw it, he was up in the rafters of the tennis shelter, last I saw, he was curled up in the storage shed, shedding his skin I think. Very interesting!

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