It hardly seems possible that a year has gone since the establishment of the new Sunshine Coast Council, and not coincidentally, this blog.
Just as the Council has struggled in its first year, I've still not quite worked out what I'm trying to communicate, but perhaps that will come with time, and it's been a lot of fun anyway. While I am grateful for our endless blue skies and cheery new buildings most of the time, I must admit to the odd wistful glance at photographs from other places, of changing seasons and the patina of centuries of history, and with every visitors comment, I am prompted to visit some far flung corner of the globe!
Here, the changes of season are far more subtle. Notice that there are no beach umbrellas in the picture? It's Autumn and things are cooling down!
If things get too hard, I can always go to the beach, no matter what time of year it is!
Thank you to all who have visited over these past 365 posts, I hope to see more of you in the coming years!
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wu-hoo ... good one, Peter.
Getting the voice you want is not easy, as I know too well.
I hope there are many happy returns and that you find the ying and the non-beige you crave ...
Congratulations on your blog's anniversary! Here's hoping for many more years of photos from your beautiful Sunshine Coast!
I can sympathize about the longing for historical buildings and different seasons. Not much of that where I live either.
And I could sure use a trip to the beach right now…
It seems to me if you can communicate visually something of the area in which you live, you're doing all of us a favor...for you live in a special place, too.
And a beautiful place.
Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog!
Keep up the good work.
Congratulations for a whole year! Now, this photo makes me wish for summer, but I'll enjoy spring which seems to have arrived!
Would you believe last night I was in bed thinking your first year must nearly be up and hey presto it was, the very next morning! You have given me much joy tracking along with you for the year ... and you can't give up now ... it's addictive.
Congratulations on the anniversary and on the wonderfulness you've been sharing! I used to fret about the... averageness of Schenectady but I'm discovering that it only seems average to me; all that ice and snow I find so monotonous is a treat to people living in warmer climes, for instance.
On a different note, I hope the Pacific Adventurer mess is not as bad as it sounds.
I think you've done a wonderful job so far! I always enjoy your pictures.
Thank you all. Buck, while there is a mess from the oil it's been well controlled in our area, sadly most of the damage seems to have been done to Moreton Island a World Heritage wilderness area and work is continuing.
Oh dear, I missed your anniversary - never mind, one day late, many congratulations. I always enjoy your blog and your superb photographs, BitingMidge and thanks for the comments on my blogs too. Looking forward to another year of the gorgeous Sunshine Coast.
Congratulations on year 1. You commnunicated to me many times, humour, quirkiness and interesting posts both images and text. In typical Manx style I am late with the congrats and early on the everyday ones. Doh!
Happy Anniversary! And congratulations on a great blog - photos and text. Sorry it's late.
Can I get on my high horse? What's the story with Queenslanders and tanning? It baffles me - Melanoma centres in every suburb... and tanners everywhere!
And that is one of the reasons that my mother and brother moved to your beautiful Sunshine Coast and I lost the love of my life to it some 25 years ago. At that time I was studying law and I couldn't see myself in "hicksville" as it was then. My how things have changed up there in the last quarter century.
Congratulations Peter on a year's worth of fine effort. If you are tired of beach scenes, take a drive up Buderim mountain and see some beautiful bush and garden scenery. Well, I know that was trite but I hope you know what I mean. Besides, in the depths of our southern winters, there is nothing more cheery than a beach scene.
Well, your beach is so crowded compare to here...
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