Signs start to get out of hand. Of course "me" is the operative bit of "home" which is the operative bit of "home centre" which I would have thought would have been all that was necessary to tell me what goes on there.
Alas this is not the case, every tenant competes for a bigger share of the visibility quotient, but it does lead to some interesting photographs. I hope you don't get bored over the next few days.
Please note I'm heading off into the wilds today, well away from internet access, so apologise if I become quieter than usual, will be back in a week and a bit.
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
I love signs...all kinds, but especially the colorful kind. Great photo with great color.
Well they make a good photograph and I don't mind the freshness of them - life without them is better tho. I'm looking forward to more - and have a great time away.
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