The path along the Esplanade runs for several kilometres between the Mouths of the Mooloola and Maroochy Rivers. During daylight hours there is continuous throng of walkers, joggers, cyclists, dogs and baby carriages snaking along the waterfront.
Today's City Daily Photo theme is "Paths and Passages", click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Nice choice for theme day. Our main bike path follows a busy freeway. Not the healthiest place to ride.
I see a sub theme of cycle lanes emerging within the theme. Love he motion blur of the subject against he static ground.
I'm glad the biker missed you!
That's a great action shot and pretty steady for 1/15 at 300mm!
Well spotted ham!
Small tripod, about 200 mm above the ground !
Oh terrific shot, Midge. Love the motion here.
Super shot. A close up and you can feel that movement too. Love the energy and feel of it.
action, path, and great perspective. Happy Theme Day!
Love the way you have the wheels and feet and not the whole person. Makes a great picture.
Yes, that comment from Mo relates to where you are at with Strangers ... the less is more concept.
Nice shot, I like the movement and perspective in this photo.
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