A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Friday, 30 June 2017

A rare reflection

Some my have noticed a small glitch which prevented posting for a couple of days.  Sorted!  It's funny how this never happens when I'm in "auto" mode, or perhaps I shouldn't speak too soon.   

Afternoon reflections in Tooway Creek.
Moffat Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday, 29 June 2017

On her lonesome.

There are much worse ways of spending a winter's afternoon.

Moffat Headland.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday, 28 June 2017

The only bites we got were mosquito bites.

Legend has it that there are fish in the creek, but no one has ever actually seen anything of substance landed but that's not the point of fishing I suppose.

And no, there are no mosquitos either.

Tooway Creek.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Tuesday, 27 June 2017

The Five Dollar Photo.

I cannot say why my blood boils when I see these "No Photo" signs plastered all over tee shirt slogans stolen from the internet, but it does.  Surely if one doesn't want photos taken, one doesn't hang them on a public street?

I would have asked the owner of the stall about them had he not been too busy trawling the web no doubt in search of further inspiration.  


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Monday, 26 June 2017

FX with kerb.

The first Holden known, the pedants would say incorrectly as the FX - circa 1948.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday, 25 June 2017

A Puzzle.

Well actually no it's not a puzzle as such,  more a riddle.   Since the nearest bathing boxes are something like three thousand kilometres away, what is it that makes this scene synonymous with the beach for us?  

Our beaches are bright too not beige, yet these neat little pieces from the House of Dawes still seem to strike a chord.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Saturday, 24 June 2017

Behind the Art

Behind the stall selling cute little paintings at the markets.

Perhaps it's a sad reflection on my own taste in these things that I actually like the rhythm of the shadows more than I like what's on the other side!


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Friday, 23 June 2017

Morning Shade

While the gentlemen in white shirts discuss how much of the shore front trees they are going to remove,  (Seriously?)   we just get on with enjoying the shadows.

Moffat Beach.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday, 22 June 2017

Here we go again.

Once again our modern day descendents of King Canute command the seas to do as they wish it to do, but somehow we just know it's going to flood over their robes and shoes!

Surely there's no engineer involved!

Tooway Creek
Moffat Beach 

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday, 21 June 2017


There's a bit of a boom happening in the 'burbs, of the building kind, although the big green one in the picture is that of a concrete pump, and another house is about to take shape in Moffat Beach.

Moffat Beach


Tuesday, 20 June 2017

So clean you could eat off it.

Our council does do a great job of maintaining all those free electric barbecues scattered in our parks and gardens.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Monday, 19 June 2017

Full sized bonsai

Poincianas are at their most beautiful when they are wide, spreading dangling things, which is not something that makes them suitable particularly for street planting.    

In Buderim they've been there for decades, lopped and trimmed and just plain stunted presumably because their roots live beneath paved surfaces.    They are lovely things when let to run free, but here to be fair to them, they look as though they want to be somewhere else.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday, 18 June 2017


Even with the path realignment, one can't help but think that the poor old tree is itself feeling a bit cramped.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Saturday, 17 June 2017

Million Dollar View

 Behind the rusting ute and the blistered paint and the overgrown garden lies a view that many would fight over.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Friday, 16 June 2017


The seeds of the poinciana hang decoratively against a sky full of rain.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday, 15 June 2017

Another sign of the times

It looks for all the world like an ancient petrol bowser, and to be fair, it is disused, but there are a few clues as to its time scale;  decimal currency arrived in 1966 for instance, and unleaded petrol in 1985.

Perhaps I am getting old, and something made in 1985 is in fact terribly ancient to others?


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Every thing old is new again.

I'm not sure, well actually I am sure that the prices are not current, but I am also sure that Phoenix at Brooke Morgan can have you looking like you did in the good old days before you've finished your beer! 


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Tidy Town

I'd have been much happier if they'd been put out in proper numerical sequence.

Much happier.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Monday, 12 June 2017

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Saturday, 10 June 2017


A nice bit of handrail, installed on a day when the workplace health and safety people were looking the other way. as it doesn't seem to comply with any regulation at all.  Good on them, let common sense prevail I say!


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday, 8 June 2017

Drain, no wait, it's a light.

I thought it was a lovely grate over a stormwater outlet, then I saw the electrical conduit and wondered if it was a light, but that doesn't make sense.

Now I say, it's a nice thing in the wall hiding some services and a little rubbish.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Bin Selfie

The litter bins in Montville are aged so artificially and look so clean that one would be reluctant to soil them.   They take a nice selfie though, posing with their plastic cousins for a tourist shot.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Monday, 5 June 2017


There's something very complicated about the price of primary produce in this country.   With French cheese retailing here from seventy dollars per kilogram, we can make excuses about distance and freight and duty and so on, but Woombye is just down the road in the same town, and depending on who one listens to, farmers are paid between fifteen and thirty cents per litre of milk and it takes ten litres to make a kilogram of cheese.   

Someone, somewhere  must have a fund for a rainy day!

Everyone has to make a living of course and hopefully a very good one, but none the less,  I'm sad to report that Woombye cheese is priced out of my league. (Except perhaps for very special occasions!)


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday, 4 June 2017

One man's litter...

Don't they see the irony?   

What is it that possesses those with conservation agendas that seems to allow them to leave their signs and rusting bikes in public gardens, littering other people's lives?   This one has been there long enough for the signs to fade, and while the message may be sincere and even noteworthty, what would they say if those of opposite view started dumping their own bikes in the middle of downtown?


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Saturday, 3 June 2017

Frog or Toad?

"Frog and toad" is rhyming slang in these parts for "road" and while I'd like to think this was a representation of a marsh frog, I suspect it's actually a cane toad, one of if not the most invasive of all introduced species in Australia.   

Perhaps I should have searched a bit harder for a description. It's a lovely thing no matter.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Friday, 2 June 2017


Yes, it's one of those other strange creatures to be found only in the Antipodes, with the tail of a beaver, the bill of a duck the claws of an anteater there is a case to made that they were constructed from bits from the parts bin.

This one was constructed from ceramic tiles made for the purpose and he swims happily on the pavement in Maleny, just a few hundred metres from the waterhole in which is animate brethren can be found.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday, 1 June 2017


We have rainforest in our own backyard, but this one is a few hundred kilometres away and still an easy drive.  The photo was taken as a postcard for Celine and Manu, our friends from France who reminded us every minute they were with us how lucky we were to be living in a country that is seething with living creatures and fascinating flora.

We'd seen eagles and goannas and wallabies and water dragons and had heard whip birds and bell birds and angry drop bears on a walk of just a few hundred metres.

Nature in Australia is a bit like Chuck Norris, you don't go looking for it, it finds you.

This is just one of many photos on today's City Daily Photo theme "nature", the rest of which can be viewed at a gallery at this link.   

Border Ranges National Park.

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