A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Saturday 30 September 2017

August 2010 - Laughing Clowns.

I'm not sure why they are called "Laughing Clowns" although I suspect that "Clowns Who Have Just Suffered a Rude Shock" wouldn't sit nearly as comfortably in the sideshow market.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Friday 29 September 2017

July 2010 - gratuitous beach shot.

There's just nothing horrible at all about walking near the edge of the surf late in the afternoon.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday 28 September 2017

June 2010 - what I once liked about Caloundra!

This post was part of a series of things I liked about Caloundra.  Well I can't like them anymore because they are gone now.

I do like the trees in the perhaps oddly named Bulcock Street, they are an example of a little avenue that got seriously out of hand.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday 27 September 2017

May 2010 - Cameras are like cars.

Cameras are like cars; the better and faster they get, the fewer places you can use 'em.

Obviously this is a hand drawn original and not a photograph.  If I had taken a photograph I would have been contravening a faded, plastic laminated order wired to a fence.

They don't even say "Please".

What is the international symbol for "I find laminated posters telling me I can't take photographs offensive."?

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Tuesday 26 September 2017

April 2010 - timeless

I have been vaguely concerned with preserving snapshots of what is or was in place at a given time, it's probably worth continuing - but I'll have to work out how to do it better!

I suspect that at one time, everything in this photo was once considered to be timeless.  Conservative design is often thought to be "timeless" when it is undertaken, colours of a certain genre (beach colours!); yes - timeless as well.  Blue cars?  Fashionably unfashionable - a colour that will never date.

Timelessness is a state of being I think, which goes from new, through bland, before it becomes ugly, then "modern" and therefore trendy.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Monday 25 September 2017

March 2010 - Sunset Layers

I think I could take a thousand photographs of hills at sunset and be happy with them.  Or I could just tear up newspaper and spray paint a cheap imitation.   I love the way the colour changes every second, and how it becomes unbelievably odd at times, but I'm not going to bore you with the other twenty in this set!

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 24 September 2017

February 2010 - Construction

Seven years later, construction on the coast continues unabated - growth forecasts are almost insane - it will not be the same place a decade from now.

This weird yellow light was to be my skywatch photo for Friday, but, well I just got my days a bit muddled this week!  Strangely the sun looks very high in the sky going by the reflection on the cloud, but as can be seen from the depth of shadow in the background, it was in reality almost beyond the horizon, hence the strange illumination.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Saturday 23 September 2017

January 2010 - the first towel of summer.

Nothing says "summer is here" than seeing your first towel hanging over a rail.

When we were kids, we'd escape along the beach for hours, crawling among the rocks or building huge canals through the wet sand.  We didn't have watches to tell the time, so Mum used to hang a towel out the window as a signal that it was lunch time.

I suspect this Mum probably sent an SMS, or maybe a Tweet, but the signal brought back memories.

Friday 22 September 2017

December 2009 - Some things never change.

After four months in some of the world's most cycle-friendly countries, it's come as a shock to be back home where bicycle safety means a pole with a sign on it!

As the wagons circle, one wonders just what one is supposed to do with one's bike.  Stand by the post to lessen the impact perhaps?  Or is this the stake where cyclists, once captured are tied as punishment for their transgressions?

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday 21 September 2017

November 2009 - Uncertainty

I share his pain though - 18 months of blog reviewed and I'm still buzzing with ideas and no firm thoughts as to which direction it should head... oh well back to the review!

I'm not sure why this surfer appears so concerned.

Perhaps it was the oyster clad rocks behind him and the thought of what the oncoming wave ahead might do.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday 20 September 2017

October 2009 - the Coast.

I used this shot as the background image for this blog for many years, to me it typifies a lot of what the coast is; clean deserted beaches.  Make the most of them while we can - the crowds are coming.

For the geographically challenged, if the ocean is on your left, you are looking south. If further description is necessary: I took this shot on the beach!

Peregian Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Tuesday 19 September 2017

September 2009 - Sunset

Pressures of life such as those that have given rise to this current lack of new photographs have meant that I haven't spent a lot of time walking on the beach at sunset for a time.   That will have to change!

They reckon sunset is one of the best times for fishing.

I'm not sure whether he caught anything, but I'd have to agree with the sentiment.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Monday 18 September 2017

August 2009 - Bike Paths

Having tried three times to repost this post, I wonder if there's a great conspiracy in the sky, to ensure that they who ride bikes and they who design the paths are never destined to meet.

If you made it through yesterday, the last great challenge awaits. Now the trick is to go THROUGH the power pole, since clearly there's no room either side.

Happy Trails!


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 17 September 2017

July 2009 - Point Cartwright

It must have been a difficult month, but we have a dozen views of Point Cartwright to show for it.

Well we're going to be geographically confused today as well, but we are now on the southern side of the river, but since it kicks around at the last minute to enter the ocean facing north, we are also on the eastern side of the river mouth!

If that's confusing, well just remember there's no river between us and the lighthouse now, so we can walk around the rocks and enjoy the view.

Pt Cartwright

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Saturday 16 September 2017

June 2009 - Nambour

I've given Nambour a bit of a hiding on these pages over the years, mostly I think the criticism is more than justified.   I shall return to try to find a spark of goodness lying beneath that unkempt exterior.   I know it's there.... somewhere.

A building so ill-conceived that the entry needs a big sign just so that one can find it, with graphics so poor that the sign has to be repeated three times and it still doesn't sit over the entry.  It must be the Council head office, hopefully the first impression isn't a reflection of the decision making process, but I do have some lingering reservations.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Friday 15 September 2017

May 2009 - Big Bob

Big Bob was the first mayor of the amalgamated shires that formed the Sunshine Coast.

He was also the former mayor of Noosa, the shire which retreated from that amalgamation at its first opportunity, so will always be tarred with the "he was a Noosa boy" brush!

My second post on this blog featured an election poster for this man.

Big Bob for the Big Job.

Our mayor, and larger than life politician and blues harmonica player, overseeing a very difficult transition as the coast moves from a collection of burroughs to a full fledged city over the next few decades.

Cheers Bob!

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday 14 September 2017

April 2009 - breeding grounds discovered.

In April 2009 I discovered a breeding ground for shopping trolleys.

The supermarket trolley, having accomplished it's mission on land, now laden with its young, slides gracefully back into the water with the coming tide.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday 13 September 2017

March 2009 - the first year.

If I was incredulous then, I am more so now almost ten years later, but no closer to figuring out what I am doing!   Perhaps with this exercise that will become clearer, it's certainly quite fun going back through nine years of posts, remembering them as though they were yesterday!
It hardly seems possible that a year has gone since the establishment of the new Sunshine Coast Council, and not coincidentally, this blog.

Just as the Council has struggled in its first year, I've still not quite worked out what I'm trying to communicate, but perhaps that will come with time, and it's been a lot of fun anyway. While I am grateful for our endless blue skies and cheery new buildings most of the time, I must admit to the odd wistful glance at photographs from other places, of changing seasons and the patina of centuries of history, and with every visitors comment, I am prompted to visit some far flung corner of the globe!

Here, the changes of season are far more subtle. Notice that there are no beach umbrellas in the picture? It's Autumn and things are cooling down!

If things get too hard, I can always go to the beach, no matter what time of year it is!

Thank you to all who have visited over these past 365 posts, I hope to see more of you in the coming years!


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Tuesday 12 September 2017

February 2009 - Gone and almost forgotten.

The Dicky Beach shade structures were a quite eccentric thing, and quite nice really, but they were now, not are, consigned to landfill and historical photos.  (Like this one.)

I'm not sure what the shade structures over the median are actually there for, but they do reflect the pattern of the zebra crossing rather nicely.

Dicky Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Monday 11 September 2017

January 2009

A family of ghosts watches the waves as evening descends on the rock pools at Pt Cartwright.

Pt Cartwright

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 10 September 2017

December 2008 - Summer Frost

Visitors from a colder climate could be forgiven for thinking that this was a picture taken through a frosty window.

Alas December here brings us temperatures around 30°C (86°F) which makes frost rather unlikely. Sadly but beautifully no less, it's just the setting sun viewed through a dirty shop window.

Sunshine Plaza

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Saturday 9 September 2017

November 2008 - Vale the wreck of the Dicky

Well the wreck is no more - it's been removed from the beach by some no doubt well intentioned local authority, apparently to be relocated!

I cannot say that this is a great idea...... but I do wonder.

I posted a shot with the wreck of the S.S.Dicky in the background a few months ago, and it elicited some excitement from a few former residents, so thought I'd return with some more.

The ship was wrecked in around 1900 and is variously buried by the sand or exposed depending on the state of the beach during the year.   A few years ago it was completely exposed deliberately, and the steel treated with rust preventative in an attempt to slow the decaying process, as it is seen as a part of the identity of the neighbourhood which derived it's name from the wreck.

Dicky Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Friday 8 September 2017

October 2008 - disappearing colours

I'm fairly sure that the colours are gone.  If they are not, they are going!  Another of those "must check" things.

Nautilus isn't actually devoid of colour. Even though I quite like its richness, it will fade with time although I'm not so sure that it will develop a graceful patina.

For now, this is one of my favourite building photographs, which explains why I've used it on my other blog as well, but that's because it made it onto the judges "long list" in a recent photo competition.


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Thursday 7 September 2017

September 2008 - Cute and furry

Kangaroos don't run in the main street, but they are quite common in any bushland area or particularly where there's a grassy patch adjoining bush.

This one is part of a large mob which inhabits the grounds of the Sunshine Coast University.  They are not domesticated, but happily graze within a few metres of human activity.

Sippy Downs

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Wednesday 6 September 2017

August 2008 - Ettamoggah

Whatever we thought of it, it's gone now, after a licensing dispute of the kind where one refuses to pay the other, the other has forced all distinguishing features to be removed.   At the time of writing the building, modifications still unfinished was not looking like a finalist in this year's architectural awards.   Where there is life, there is hope....

Ken Maynard was a cartoonist who captured the Australian way of life with exquisite characatures, and a cartoon strip based around the goings on in the Pub in outback Andamooka in South Australia.

Being somewhat off the beaten track, most people would never get to see the place so he took a good deal of liberty with the structure, and included a model T on the roof among other features. Perhaps even more unfortunately, someone took it on themselves to share the cartoon with us in real life, and so a series of Ettamogah Pubs have been created around the land.

This is ours.


Tuesday 5 September 2017

July 2008 - the French Quarter

This is one example of how seemingly random photographs can document a place in time.  This building, although operating successfully as a resort, was unable to obtain the relevant star rating with it's "faded" (although quite deliberately so) paint effect.

It's white now, or beige, or something else, and since Noosa is no longer a suburb of the Sunshine Coast, I may or may not take in upon myself at some time in the future to document its present form!

In our relentless push to find an architectural identity, influences come from many places. While distinctly Australian in form, the Pacific Colonial influences are apparent too.

The French Quarter

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Monday 4 September 2017

June 2008 - making a splash

It was a difficult month to choose just one photo, but it was still interesting to see that even in its infancy the blog was as directionless then as it is now!

The former Caloundra City Council provided a wonderful wet park for kids at King's Beach.

Kings Beach

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Sunday 3 September 2017

May 2008

May 2008 seemed to be the month of shipwrecks on the coast, or at least on the bit near where I lived.

Notice the complete absence of any logical explanation for running aground!

I suspect that due to the influences of Global Warming, the Bermuda Triangle has moved to incorporate a part of Mooloolaba. It's the only logical explanation I can find for two groundings in one evening.

Note to file: if you are going to steal a boat, stay clear of the hard bits round the edge of the water!


© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Saturday 2 September 2017

April 2008 theme day - "Water"

When you live on the coast and the theme is 'water', deciding how much water to include in a single photograph becomes problematic.

Storm surf at Alexandra Headland doesn't particularly make a beautiful scene, but for those that can get out, there is always the satisfaction of telling their Mum they rode a ten footer!

If they don't drown.

From Alexandra Headland, looking towards Maroochydore.

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Friday 1 September 2017

Photographing the Photographer

What is a photographer?  It's a question I often ask with relation to myself.   I describe this as a photo blog, not a photography one, but there is not word to describe one who takes photos but who is not a photographer is there?   

So for this months theme day, I just followed the trail of illuminated faces.  The photographer here is staring into the screen of her device, lit like a beacon in the sunset, capturing an image that no doubt will be better than any of mine!

This is my interpretation of this month's City Daily Photo theme day "photographing the photographer", for a gallery of other's views please click this link.

Tomorrow, we'll be back to the retrospective!


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