Today it's very calm indeed, but the ocean is full of surprises. The dangers of walking round the rocks are hidden well, but if a wave can appear from a sea as gentle as this, just imagine what happens when it's angry.
Pt Cartwright
We are presently on the road again without a reliable internet facility so this blog is being updated by a machine. Sadly we are unable to respond to most comments, however we appreciate your visit and will endeavour to respond to all our friends in the blogosphere as regularly as possible!
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Perfect photo and perfect title. I really love this shot. Kudos!
Calm! That is a mini tidal wave to me. Ok I do live in smallsville. Beautifully captured.
I cant believe that you have scheduled 4 months worth of posts: image AND text. Phew!
le calme semble tout relatif !
en tout cas belle prise de vue avec l'océan qui n'en finit pas en arrière plan...
j'aime beaucoup
Hey Julie, I TOLD you I've been busy!
Nice photograph. I like it.
Audrey is on Pick a Peck of Pixels. You saw her with green peas all over her face. Now, see her at 9 with her hair blowing in the wind. Be part of history. Become a Follower or leave a comment. Tell you friends. Link up. Pick a Peck of Pixels
What Kim said.
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