A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Saturday 11 July 2009

Banksias are such fun!

I love sneaking up and catching them with the sun behind them when they least expect it!

Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia


Julie said...

This is superb, Peter. The light, the DoF, the composition. But, yes: especially the light.

I find the personification real: as though some plants have it all over humans in the way they can trap part of the sun if only for a slight slice of time. And they revel in light and add to its beauty.

bitingmidge said...

Thanks Julie, the pic has all the elements that we have been learning of lately.

I love the way that one doesn't need to find a perfect specimen to appreciate the beauty that is there, and to be honest with myself, without my camera in my hand I might not have stopped to peer at it.

Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

Olá amigo! Tens um espaço maravilhoso com belas fotos, porém seria bem melhor se colocasses um tradutor, Pois ficaria mais fácil para entender e comentar.



bitingmidge said...


Obrigado para visitar hoje, e para sua sugestão instalar um tradutor, eu tentarei de fazê-lo hoje!

Joan Elizabeth said...

Hey I remember us having a conversation about banksias a couple of years ago. This one is terrific. I love the colour, the light of course and the background. Good 'un.

Been having a email conversation with an American writer about photography. One of the points made was that the camera makes us take life slower and stop and see. Glad you stopped this day.

Babzy.B said...

Nice flower and shot !

Aimz said...

I love Banksias, we have alot of them here near the beaches on seaside properties.

Lois said...

I agree with Julie, the light is magnificent! Excellent picture.

Arija said...

Oh, you are sneaky! Well done, a lovely banksia.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I just like sneaking up full stop. Photography is just not a normal occupation or hobby..,stalking plants. Classy image though.

Mirela said...

Great photo!

I had no idea what banksias are, but Google helped me. This is exactly why I love CDPB! Not only do I enjoy incredible photos, but I also learn... this time about banksia (Wiki): "Banksia plants are naturally adapted to the presence of regular bushfires in the Australian landscape. About half of Banksia species are killed by bushfire, but these regenerate quickly from seed, as fire also stimulates the opening of seed-bearing follicles and the germination of seed in the ground."

Annie said...

Wonderful shot! Thank you!! Deserves first prize!

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