Thursday, 30 November 2017
The lunch room - from May 2015
One of the pleasures of working in a town like this, is that in the right you can go for a quick surf or simply hang your toes over the revetment wall by the ocean while you have your lunch.
Alexandra Headland
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia #citydailyphoto
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Clear as day - April 2015
This photo pretty much sums up where I think I am in terms of moving this blog forward!
I hope the person who designed the sign and road system for the Maroochy Botanic Gardens got a pay rise.
I'm still trying to work out how to leave.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia #citydailyphoto
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Moffs on the Rocks - March 2015
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia - @citydailyphoto #citydailyphoto
Monday, 27 November 2017
Another sunset - February 2015
It's hard to believe that this building is in the middle of a built-up area, but it is. The grassy "dune" is a pile of debris on a construction site, the building is predominantly white, but if one catches it at the right time of the evening, anything can happen.
Let's call it "art" and be done with it.
Kings Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Sunset over Tooway - January 2015
A lot has changed since 2014. That clump of trees is gone, succumbing to erosion, and at this point not fully recovered from jet lag, I haven't been near the beach at sunset! It will happen!
Actually it was taken at sunset yesterday, and the real reason I have chosen it is not because it has any particular merit, but that it says much to me about why I live where I live.
It is taken from the bridge over Tooway Creek, a few hundred metres from home, and when I am not gallivanting around the globe I can often be found not far from here, particularly in the early morning or late afternoon.
I hope that all who are reading this have a "prosperous" (in every sense) new year, and I look forward to being able to find more photos just like this one as the year rolls on!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Saturday, 25 November 2017
Holidays - December 2014
With the summer holidays beginning yesterday for many, and the first cricket test of summer underway, this seemed like an appropriate post to resurrect!
What will it be, the holiday home or the caravan?
In our house, without those choices to make and the rain set in for the day, a warm couch with the television beaming the Cricket is be a fine alternative. We are happy to leave the beach to those who are only able to enjoy it for a few weeks a year!
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Friday, 24 November 2017
Where's Willys? - November 2014
Life can't be easy when you are the only one that isn't a Kombi.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Beachscape October 2014
I never cease to be amazed at how the same scene can vary so much, from deep shadows and rich blue skies, to subtle pastels with the hint of humidity.
I never ceased to be amazed at how beautiful it is and how privileged I am to be in a position to record just a small piece of it.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
One of those days - October 2014
Have you ever had one of those days when even though you had a whole list of things to do, you couldn't get motivated?
That was today. I tried sitting on the beach till the feeling passed, but it never did.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Dimples - September 2014
I have a pair of these thongs with the little dimples on them.
After wearing them for a day, I can go barefoot and not slip on any surface!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Monday, 20 November 2017
Mixed messges, or why I don't read newspapers - August 2014
Colloquially, newsagents are referred to as "paper shops", because they sell newspapers.
I wander past very early in the morning. I pass the mat proclaiming "Welcome" and the message that implores me to "Win Big, right above the poster that reads "Woman Crushed by Car, Man Drowns", and wait for the nice lady to tell me to have a nice day.
Do I really want to take this sort of news away?
Dicky Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Brrr....Winter on the coast. July 20145
Clear blue skies, sparkling water, gentle breezes, and southerners who think it's warm enough to swim.
Is there any wonder I move to the northern hemisphere in search of summer at this time of year!
Tooway Creek
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Saturday, 18 November 2017
The retrospective continues! - June 2014
I really should go off in search of more sunrises, but sunrise currently is at 4:40 am and it's a fair old journey to get to the top of the hill....
If you blinked you would have missed it yesterday, but there it is again, Mount Coolum looking suspiciously like Uluru in profile, but the ocean says we aren't in the centre!
from Mooloola
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Another City Daily Photo
Friday, 17 November 2017
from May 2014
There is no time limit on that piece of dappled shade on the grass. We can sit watching and listening to the waves for as long as we want, or until we get hungry!
Moffat Headland
Thursday, 16 November 2017
The bathroom wall - April 2014
Perhaps we are making progress in the seemingly never ending quest for the bathroom wallpaper.
Another of my favourite things; the way the little waves at the edge of a giant ocean seem to chase their own shadows.
Moffat Beach
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Flower- March 2014
I don't know what's come over me... I just felt the urge to take a photograph of a flower. I used to do that all the time. Might do it again soon!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Where to now? -February 2014
While I'm still pondering that question as far as the blog goes, the retrospective continues!
Clear signs that an Ibis has been quite lost.
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 13 November 2017
Claire and Michael - January 2014
In a barbed wire canoe....
An old European tradition seems to be gaining a foothold here, no doubt (with the greatest of respect to Clare and Michael whose lock tells me they were celebrating their first anniversary), spurred on by commercial interests from interested parties such as the people making these heart shaped locks.
Originally the tradition had the lock clasped to a bridge stanchion on the wedding day of those concerned, and the key thrown into the water so that the bond could never be broken.
I am not sure what the symbolism in the barbed wire is.... hopefully it's not a reflection of that first year.
Glasshouse Mountains
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Sunrise over Tooway - December 2013
Sadly the grand-puppy is no more, so early mornings on the beach are without his exuberance, but we are glad that we had the opportunity to share them with him
It's just after sunrise, well before five a.m. and the small fluffy grand-puppy and I have the beach to ourselves!
I suspect that I can be forgiven for not being here often at this time, but when I do make the effort I often can't believe the sheer beauty of the light!
And all those sleeping wives, daughters and grand-children missed it!
Tooway Creek
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 11 November 2017
Yellow brick road - November 2013
So do I follow the yellow brick road and end up in the bin, or take the red path, perhaps less travelled?
Kings Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 10 November 2017
Why I live where I live (again) - October 2013
Of course now she is seven and too tall to photograph from this angle without employing a ladder, or a drone perhaps.
Three year olds are just as enthusiastic as I am when it comes to mucking around at the water's edge!
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Why I live where I live -September 2013
Four years on this is still the background photo on our cards. Strangely perhaps, the days of the morning surf seem to be in the past, but that doesn't mean we still don't communicate, the ocean and I.
It's an interesting question - why do you live where you live?
It's an interesting question - why do you live where you live?
We only live at "home" for half the year, but perhaps the images we chose to illustrate our home on our "calling cards" best explain the reason we keep returning.
The six images in this series are cropped to the proportion of the cards.
Hopefully no further explanation is necessary.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
100 kilometres per hour. - August 2013
I had thirty images to choose from the month, and for reasons inexplicable, I just liked this one.
It was the car travelling at a hundred, not the mountain. The cane fields in the foreground have been abandoned, and like all good abandoned cane fields will soon magically be transformed into a golf course.
Mudjimba (I think!)
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Anything Green is my Scene - July 2013
The soft green algae gives the rocks at the edge of the high water mark a pillow-like texture underfoot.
It's a very slippery pillow though, so great care must be taken when walking among them!
Coolum Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 6 November 2017
Still life with shopping trolley - June 2013

© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 5 November 2017
Signs that Don't - May 2013
Sometimes, signs need further explanation, but I don't do further explanation.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 4 November 2017
Colours - April 2013

Do designers of container ships research the routes their subjects will ply to ensure they are colour co-ordinated?
Perhaps they do.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 3 November 2017
Grave Days - March 2013
The day the coast got smaller. The vote was held, Noosa withdrew from the city that became known as the Sunshine Coast, and nothing else happened.
Perhaps the sign wasn't really meant to indicate that the Caloundra Cemetery is truly a business park, but today may well herald the death of the Sunshine Coast as we have known it!
Today, the people of the former Noosa Shire were given the opportunity to vote for de-amalgamation of the Sunshine Coast Council and have effectively voted to succeed! After five years as one City, one third of us is leaving!
For this blog, it means little, fifteen kilometres or so less coastline to cover, and some pretty scenery, a market or two that will remain unphotographed, but plenty of the good bits are left to share.
The timing of the separation is not yet known, but I think I may bid Noosa a Ceremonial farewell on the 15th March, our fifth anniversary!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 2 November 2017
February 2013
This photo is a curiosity for me from a number of perspectives, the least of them being that the intervening five years have rendered our front garden unrecognisable from this shot. Secondly in an age of disposable electronics, I am happy to say that "that" new camera is still serving me well. I have chosen to publish in a different crop format of course, and I would hope that even if I haven't got any better, results with it are coming a little easier!
I have a new camera and am just dying to get out and see if it works, but since it arrived our daily rainfalls have been 50, 42, and 72 mm respectively. That's 2, 2 3/4 and 3 inches near enough, so the closest I can actually get to "out" is onto our front verandah between squalls.
The bare patches in the lawn were badly burnt before the rain started, but now I suspect it may have actually drowned.
If tomorrow's post is similar, I will have no need to explain why!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Rock and Roll (from July 2016)
Rock and Roll George was a larger than life personality, in the days when "personalities" were different, not just talking heads on television. This car was built as a replica of George's (which is now housed in the Queensland Museum.)
Here is a short Youtube clip in memory of George.
Today's City Daily Photo Theme Day is "Rock 'n' Roll" - for lots of other interpretations on this theme please visit the theme day gallery here.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
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