Looks can be deceiving; Mid afternoon, in full sun, temperature more than 30°C.
We'd just had 40mm of rain in less than an hour and the storm was abating, soon the sky would be blue again and the lights turned off until the evening.
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Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Strangely eerie colors that are absolutely magnificent. Great shot.
Love this - has a surreal feel.
Brilliant photo BM; nice to have a drop of rain. Send some down here to Adelaide?
Happy Skywatch Friday!
Nice photo
Great photo. And I bet the smell was just as good!
That is deceiving! I though the rains were just about to start. Happy Sky Watching!
I love the colours, great train shot.
Especially interesing lighting in this one.
Oh my...,I like this photo a lot.
Great photo! I can almost feel the dampness of the air.
Angie, you are quite correct, there's nothing like the smell of a thunderstorm.
It's impossible to explain to those who haven't experienced it, but it's something one can look forward to!
A great shot with the stom light.
I love the light! I can't believe that was taken during the middle of the afternoon.
It's amazing how quickly it can change! Blink and you might miss something!
Great photo of a not very blue sky - it does have that eerie quality to it like Jacob said, but it is neat pic!
The tones and colours are so polished it's like a natural HDR.
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