Some billboards still show Steve Irwin, but Australia Zoo is gently changing it's brand, using surviving family members in its advertising. It's a difficult challenge I suspect, as children have a habit of growing up quickly, and it's hard to maintain a static brand image.
Still it's a reminder that we do live in Australia Zoo territory, so if ever you visit the zoo, give us a hoy!
What actually constitutes a hoy?
Waving frantically out the car window as we pass by?
hi, come over for dinner and a bed for the night?
Any of the above, we're a congenial lot!
I've driven past the zoo on several occasions and always kick myself for never having made the time to go in. You're right about kids growing up and the newer generations won't know Steve. Bindi is almost as famous as her father now anyway, no? I think it is sad but I guess one can't stop progress.
We too haven't yet visited, which makes us a lot worse than most!
It's a fabulous place from all reports, and you really don't need to have children as an excuse to go.
Why are we waiting for the appropriate time to take our grandson then?
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