It's been a while, and perhaps some will be relieved to discover it may be a while longer until normal posting resumes. I do want to apologise for the concern I caused some by allowing this blog to go "dark" immediately following the publishing of the hospital carpark photo in March, and thank you to all who contacted me to enquire as to my well being. The photo was an unintentional portent of things that were to come.
I am indeed quite well after a lengthy but perfectly normal recovery from a bit of surgical correction which has left me rather without photographs to share.
To make matters worse it's left me without my usual catalogue which enables me to post daily while on our annual migration to the other side of the world.
I have gathered a scattering of photos over the past few weeks as mobility has improved, and if I eke them out we may well have a bi-weekly blog until our return from places other than this one.
Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we'll resume full transmission some time in November.
Well that's the plan!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia