Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Life at the Beach - January 2013
Many of January 2013's photos were beach-derived. I used to think that was an easy way out, that it was somehow cheating to wander down to the beach for a daily photo. Now I am not so sure, it is why we live were we live after all.
I suppose all those people have umbrellas in case it rains. There's no sign of that for a few weeks apparently, but it will come then. I know that because I will be starting some building work which will involve removing part of the roof of our house.
Kings Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Nostalgia - December 2012
Sixties landscaping goes with sixties cars, although while the colour suits the composition, it wasn't on the original options list!
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 28 October 2017
Nambour - November 2012
I have to admit I have not gone gently on Nambour in times gone by. Good things have happened in the last half dozen years, but I'll wager now that this stair remains in its redundant state.
Decades on, and the main stair entrance to Council's offices is still blocked off by a Stainless steel handrail. Presumably the stair doesn't comply with current regulations if it is left full width, so why not turn it into something useful, like a garden, or a skateboard ramp?
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Decades on, and the main stair entrance to Council's offices is still blocked off by a Stainless steel handrail. Presumably the stair doesn't comply with current regulations if it is left full width, so why not turn it into something useful, like a garden, or a skateboard ramp?
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 27 October 2017
The City Daily Photo Portal! - October 2012
Originally this post was entitled "light at the end of the tunnel" and it marked the launch of the renewed City Daily Photo Portal, after I had sort of accidentally become involved in trying to get it back online. Five years later, I am fairly sure that the light at the end of the tunnel was the reversing light of a giant dump truck about to deposit another load!
Wither goest the Portal from here? This question and others will be addressed in the coming months I'm sure!
Sunset, the day the new City Daily Photo portal went live.
Now I can sleep! ;-)
Moffat Beach.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Up in the Air - September 2012
Maybe they were wrong when I went to school, maybe you don't come down after all.
Getting big air.
Kings Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Getting big air.
Kings Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Snippet - August 2012
Every now and then, getting a bit closer produces something unexpected. Perhaps today I would correct the perspective error before posting though.
Body's corporate usually frown on "personalisation" of apartment exteriors, but there's always one person who thinks they can do better.
Usually they can too.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Body's corporate usually frown on "personalisation" of apartment exteriors, but there's always one person who thinks they can do better.
Usually they can too.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
The Quest - July 2012
Another visit is clearly necessary, will we find a repaint, or will we see more gentle degradation?
Maybe there is some hope for those of us desperately seeking patina among the newness after all.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Maybe there is some hope for those of us desperately seeking patina among the newness after all.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 23 October 2017
Enough to make one homesick! - June 2012
While we are happy to spend a lot of time in many other parts of the world, in about two week's time we'll be back, standing on this bridge although there is little left of that stand of trees on the left of frame (northern bank) now, as the creek has meandered in another direction.
Watching the ships glide past from the bridge on Tooway Creek.
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Good Advice - May 2012
But what if we are going the other way?
Noosa River
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Noosa River
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 21 October 2017
April 2012
I should add to the original comment that one of the curious things about architectural photography is that generally people are unwelcome participants, whereas in marketing shots the architecture is just a backdrop. Buildings are built for people, but we don't want them in the way!
One of the curious things about these beach side apartments, is that there is rarely any visible sign of habitation. They could well be large expensive pieces of sculpture, except at the peak holiday times.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
One of the curious things about these beach side apartments, is that there is rarely any visible sign of habitation. They could well be large expensive pieces of sculpture, except at the peak holiday times.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 20 October 2017
Four years on -March 2012
What better way to celebrate a four year anniversary for the blog than to spend a few minutes staring into the setting sun!
Looking towards Golden Beach and wondering how it got its name, I also wonder how it is that I've actually managed to post a photo each day for the past four years.
This is the one thousand four hundred and sixty-third photo posted on this site! Doesn't time fly when one is having fun!
This seems like a pretty good time to pause and thank all those who visit and comment. Your comments are greatly appreciated.
Bulcock Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Looking towards Golden Beach and wondering how it got its name, I also wonder how it is that I've actually managed to post a photo each day for the past four years.
This is the one thousand four hundred and sixty-third photo posted on this site! Doesn't time fly when one is having fun!
This seems like a pretty good time to pause and thank all those who visit and comment. Your comments are greatly appreciated.
Bulcock Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 19 October 2017
My favourite things - February 2012
A few things have changed since this photo was taken. Sunrise Beach is no longer part of the Sunshine Coast, and our friend Trevor (in the blue hat) finished his holiday and went back to live happily ever after in the UK, with no risk of being eaten by sharks or stung by spiders. Hi Trev!
I think of all the laneways in all the cities in the world that I have walked, the ones that lead to the beach through a stand of casuarinas are my favourites.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
I think of all the laneways in all the cities in the world that I have walked, the ones that lead to the beach through a stand of casuarinas are my favourites.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Thinking - January 2012
I'm thinking if I worked on it, I could quite possibly capture some really nice shots of animals. Perhaps I will.
A cormorant in a pensive mood.
Wondering whether he is sticking out enough I suppose.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
A cormorant in a pensive mood.
Wondering whether he is sticking out enough I suppose.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Confusion - December 2011
I know how he feels. I've been searching for a direction for this blog since beginning this retrospective, and I think I'm paddling against the swell! Ahh well - six years to go!
I'm not sure what it's called when a surfer uses one foot to kick himself along in the opposite direction to the waves.
I think it's called a trick of the light.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
I'm not sure what it's called when a surfer uses one foot to kick himself along in the opposite direction to the waves.
I think it's called a trick of the light.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 16 October 2017
The Edge of Town - November 2011
Although there are something like 30,000 households planned in among all those trees, I suspect that there will still be a lot of open space into the foreseeable future. Perhaps it would be nicer if we started to build up, rather than out.
I am standing on the ridge behind Caloundra's CBD, facing south west. The buildings are close enough to the main street not to argue.
We have a LOT of open space around us.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 15 October 2017
Jet lag symptoms - October 2011
How well I remember this photo. We'd arrived back from the norther hemisphere the day before. In my jetlagged state I'd misread the clock and wandered off to the beach an hour earlier than I intended. I really should do that more often.
If one rises early enough, the first glimpse of that patch of electric blue as one ascends the dune is enough to set one's heart a flutter.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
If one rises early enough, the first glimpse of that patch of electric blue as one ascends the dune is enough to set one's heart a flutter.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 14 October 2017
The Quest Continues - September 2011
We didn't get the classic car, but the lattice panels are now installed in abundance.
A classic car with matching lattice perhaps.
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
A classic car with matching lattice perhaps.
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 13 October 2017
Seeking Inspiration - August 2011
By August I was seriously looking for inspiration as our "new" house renovation planning was underway. How would I turn a brick house in the 'burbs into something that felt vaguely as though it belonged a the beach. Could I?
It's the pergola isn't it? And the hammock, and perhaps the railing made of wire. Why blue I wonder? Does it hark back to some mediterranean links from the past?
I think we need to investigate further.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
It's the pergola isn't it? And the hammock, and perhaps the railing made of wire. Why blue I wonder? Does it hark back to some mediterranean links from the past?
I think we need to investigate further.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 12 October 2017
Don't feel sorry for us! - July 2011
After that somewhat melancholy post of a few days ago "celebrating" the loss of our old house, this photo remains one of my favourites, taken a few days after moving into our "new" one, at our "new" beach.
I don't think I've been out of bed that early since.
Sunrise where the waters meet.
Twoway Creek
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Meanwhile back a the ranch... - June 2011
The quest for a wall mural in the new bathroom continues, perhaps this is the inspiration that will last the distance!
And then there's a point where the colour of the sand becomes visible again.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Progress - May 2011
I chose this photograph because it shows the water tank on Point Cartwright before it was covered in Art. Elsewhere on this blog, you will find it rendered in ocean tones with whales and Norfolk Pines. It's a definite improvement in its new livery, but time will tell how it ages. We will have to re-revisit it!
There's a planner out there somewhere feeling immensely smug about the way we can hardly see the water tank any more.
Really all this communication stuff is making our mailboxes more and more redundant, so this is a timely reminder to send someone a postcard today while you still can.
Point Cartwright
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 9 October 2017
Zen - April 2011
It's not hard to see the inspiration for some wonderful landscape work.
Mooloola River
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Mooloola River
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 8 October 2017
Papa's Beach - March 2011

A self indulgent post indeed, but six and a half year's after having our little bit of paradise resumed, there are still no plans to proceed with the project. We of course, have moved on, and the renovations on the "new" place are finally at that point where we can happily say they are "almost" done!
Today's City Daily Photo Blogs theme is "Your favourite part of town", and in a very self indulgent mood, I have to say those steps in the background have been my favourite spot on and off for quite a long time.
"Papa's Beach" is what Mr Four calls our place, and although his cousin Miss Lily can't yet talk, she probably calls it that as well. The river runs clear, the beach sandy and clean and we think it is paradise.
The stairs are where I've sat over the past decade and watched a thousand sunsets, half as many sunrises, consumed three times that many cups of coffee, photographed all manner of birds and animals coming to visit. Often the water's ever changing moods were a foil to my own, and we'd sit and stare at each other, the river and I.
This month it comes to an end. The house in which all three of our daughters were married, the one that gave birth to at least a dozen boats and has overseen the arrival of a quarter as many grandchildren will pass into the hands of others in a few short weeks. It was bought you see, in a rash of Government impetuosity, a year ago when a faceless bureaucrat thought it would make a lovely place for a freeway, and although shortly after they thought it wouldn't, our new journey had already begun..
Their decision was irrevocable, our life had changed, we made plans for a future in a different place, and in a few short weeks from now we will be gone.
For those who have followed my daily blog, this story will be familiar. Shortly, Papa's Beach will be little more than another Fading Memory but one never the less, for which we will always be grateful.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 7 October 2017
Time for a Swim - February 2011
I spent a fair bit of time at the beach in February 2011, and this was one of my favourite places then.
Summer in the seawater pool at King's Beach.
I had to resist the urge to jump in!
King's Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 6 October 2017
Humidity - January 2011
There was a LOT of rain in January 2011!
Most will know it's been a bit dampish round these parts for a while.
On the sixteenth of December last, we had a bit of a break in the constant rain, just sufficiently long enough to allow a storm front to cross. This one carried a bit of hail with it.
Cotton Tree
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 5 October 2017
December 2010 - camping revisited
In times long gone, the delivery van was the vehicle of choice for those among us who surfed. These days the "ute" seems to fill the "pick-up" role well enough!
Sure it's a little cramped, but it's dry and warm and he's left his thongs outside to keep the mattress clean!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
November 2010 - I was right!

When graffiti turned to "street art" it was only going to be a matter of time before it was commercialised and plastered in dayglo colours in the front of nightclubs.
So where do the "street art" mob go now to express their art in a way that distinguishes it from the commercial world? Canvas and easels?
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
October 2010 - the disappearing beach house.
Seven years later and without actually having any evidence, we just know there are fewer of them to tell tales than there once were.
The Sixties Beach House is an endangered species.
There are so few of them remaining that they should almost be on the world heritage list, although with their asbestos sheet roofing and lightweight construction the reality is that they will be gone within decades.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 2 October 2017
September - 2010
Hmmm.... September 2010 did not produce my best work... but here is a reminder that summer is coming. Given the weather that we've been experiencing of late, it's already here!
Should we hire a kayak, or stay for coffee?
Hire a kayak, or stay for a cool drink?
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 1 October 2017
City Daily Photo Theme Day - Sensual - from August 2010 -
It doesn't get more sensual than this two buckets of chips ('cause that's what we call "fries"), lashings of sauce (of your choice) and a whole half-kilo container of salt!
I can almost feel the fat dribbling down my chin.
For lots of other interpretations of today's theme "Sensual" see the City Daily Photo Theme Day Portal here.
It occurred to me that we've spent a whole month at the show and haven't had anything to eat.
How about some chips smothered in barbecue sauce and swamped with salt?
That ought to keep us alive till next year!
Farewell from Nambour for a time.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
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