A Photo Every Day from the Sunshine Coast - Australia

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Black and white in colour.

This Month's City Daily Photo Theme day is "Black and White in Colour", which gave me just the excuse I needed to hang around a public toilet in a park.   Of course I carefully modified my exposure so that other lingerers would dissolve into the photograph, as the dissolving feet on the left of the shot bear witness.

When I found this place a year ago, I didn't consider the possibility that someone might have gone to a lot of trouble with the lighting to ensure that it would be even more spectacular at night!

Change Rooms at
Bulcock Beach



Tanya Breese said...

really cool public restroom! laughing at the thought of you loitering around to get your photo :)

LOLfromPasa said...

What a fabulous screen.

Sharon said...

What a great job on this photo and what a wonderful way to dress up the restroom.

William Kendall said...

Rather cool!

Klara said...

sigh, sigh, beautiful! I still can not come to my senses how nice, clean, available, everywhere where you need them, your public toilets are. huge envy. huge! I'd better not mention how Brussels reeks (very few public toilets, paying, even establishments like restorants and cinemas (where you pay to enter) charge for use of toilet.

Jack said...

So, you hang around a lot of public toilets, do you? (Nice pick for the theme.)

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