Sunday, 31 January 2016
It would be good for the gardens..
If only the rain would actually come instead of hanging up there looking picturesque.
Looking north toward Dicky Beach.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 30 January 2016
Many happy returns.
Someone has just successfully returned to shore.
The rest wait for the big one, that will bounce them out the fifty or so metres beyond the break.
Two-way surfing.
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 29 January 2016
Surfing Out
I have discovered it's a bit difficult to photograph this phenomenon.
Some may spot what's going on, but what appears to be a wave coming towards shore, is actually going out to sea, having bounced off the rock wall. The kids surfing are going the wrong way, and they are the ones that missed the big wave just ahead of them.
They'll ride out to where the break begins, wait for the next set to come along, then ride to shore.
Two-way surfing!
Moffat Beach.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 28 January 2016
In the photo the sky looks ominous, the sea relatively calm, but the reverse is the case. There is a shower hanging about no doubt, but no really nasty weather unless you happen to live in Tonga.
The sea on the other hand has what is officially termed a "deceptively strong swell". The cyclone in Tonga is bringing small but very powerful waves, creating a rather unique opportunity for the kids who stand in wait... all will be revealed tomorrow.
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Australia Day (yesterday on the beach)
One of the great things about living where we live is that we don't have to get up at a ridiculous hour to mark our spot for the day. We don't have to build a shelter to keep out of the sun and rain either as we can simply walk home when we've had enough or when little home duty tasks call.
One of the great things about living elsewhere is that one can bring one's whole extended family for a terrific party day at the beach, where thoughts of hanging out washing between squalls are non-existent.
The only hanging out most of these families did, was with their friends for the entire day.
Moffat Beach
Australia Day
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Just another day in the office
Another fine day begins, this time with a monster swell coming from a cyclone over near Fiji.
It's Australia Day today, so I'd better go out and find a picture of a flag or something for tomorrow's report.
Or, I could just sit and watch the ocean with these folk for just a little longer.
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 25 January 2016
Dogs just want to have fun.
Its mornings like this, when it's still early and the off-leash rules apply, and the sun is already starting to make its presence felt, that one wants to borrow a dog, just to have an excuse to frolic in the lake.
To heck with it!
Who needs an excuse?
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 24 January 2016
My eyes hurt.
Seriously, who put the ocean on the eastern side of the place, right where the sun comes up in the morning?
The light really hurts one's eyes before the first coffee of the morning has kicked in!
Too way at high tide with a big swell.
Moffat Beach.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 23 January 2016
I'm guessing the market for Osteopathic services in Palmwoods has dried up.
Palmwoods Osteopathic Clinic
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 22 January 2016
Like a pimple on ...
The building from yesterday's post, Maroochy Sands, has undergone a clever "modernisation", but it's a bit hard to hide the fact that it's on the intersection of two multi-lane arterial roads with not much in the way of green surrounding it.
If it wasn't just across the road from the beach and not far at all from shops, bowls and library, it may not have any redeeming features!
And I suppose I should have photoshopped the light pole out of the picture as well, speaking of having no redeeming features!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Waiting for the sun to go down.
Sometimes the parts of a building are nicer than their sum.
Maroochy Sands
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Tenancy Mix
One of the skills of the real estate manager is to ensure that tenancies in a commercial building have the right mix, so that no conflicts occur, and a broad range of customers are drawn.
At first glance it looks as though the doctors are moonlighting as restauranteurs.
Or is it the other way round?
I suspect they are in some sort of competition because the food at Tuptim Thai is good enough to cure all ills.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Back again.
Table ten does look rather comfy!
Hugga Mug Cafe
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 18 January 2016
Sixth Avenue
Sixth Avenue Maroochydore.
Just a few hundred metres from the beach, ample parking. Behind those trees is a caravan park and camping ground which is actually located on the beach.
Where would you rather stay I wonder?
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 17 January 2016
The hotel in Palmwoods says all there is to say about life in the sub-tropics!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Green Patina
The little cottage sadly has been abandoned to the trees. The tree is doing it's best, just out of frame, to push it over, having grown down onto its roof.
If it weren't for the mosquitos one gets the impression it could be a lovely place to spend some time.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 15 January 2016
Patina at Last!
After years of searching, I think I may have found something genuinely old and worn and photogenic, showing layers of history in the way all those old buildings in other countries do.
There it is called "romantic".
Here, it is "untidy".
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Seeing Red
One can only imagine what the paper wasps thought when they came home to find their town had been painted red.
One dare not imagine what the painter wasn't thinking.... how hard would it have been to have knocked off the nest before painting? One just can't find good help these days!
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Inside the Cafe
A selection of old lights, a few steel bars, very big hamburgers and a room full of happy customers.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
I must get the brand of his shampoo.
I don't know what he's on, but it seems to be working.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 11 January 2016
Time Warp Festival
The prospect of attending a Time Warp Festival was appealing at first.
And then I noticed the date.
Perhaps we'll make a bigger effort to go last time they held one.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 10 January 2016
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Saturday, 9 January 2016
Homeward Bound
Today is the day that the remaining summer holiday makers will head home, and we'll pretty much have our town to ourselves once again.
This isn't a real load of course, but it could have been once upon a time.
Rick's Diner
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 8 January 2016
Under the banksia
Looking up in the late evening.
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Thursday, 7 January 2016
Our path to the beach
Crossing the creek to get to Moff's.
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
It is with some sadness.
Barely a year after I posted this photograph the predator fig is no more. It had been going so well too, but clearly it raised the ire of someone.
Ires are funny things - they allow one tear out a plant, presumably because of it's potential to impact on the environment, yet at the same time allow one to overlook the plastic and hessian stapled to the tree.
I shall return to tidy that up!
Moffat Beach.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
Like painting your van with house paint.
Is sticking a Mercedes badge on your Toyota really that cool?
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Monday, 4 January 2016
A holiday puzzlement for a pedant.
I read the sign and immediately wondered long and loudly to myself.
It would be trite to note the absence of the apostrophe, I shall just presume we are talking about several groups of women here and that there was simply no room for it on the same line!
Do they have bikini's just for new women I wonder, and if that is the case, what is a new woman exactly? Since new is an antonym for old, does that mean the aged must shop elsewhere?
Or did they mean they have a new range of women's bikinis? I thought so.... in which case what other sorts of bikinis do they have? Surely not for blokes?
Pondering while the world turns one revolution per day.
Dicky Beach.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Sunday, 3 January 2016
.. but it's home.
The first shot of the mouth of Tooway Creek for the year.
Dicky Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Saturday, 2 January 2016
A bit weary
I did well yesterday I thought, after a late night and a fairly early start.
But I forgot the photo didn't I?
Nothing a quick run down to the beach won't fix even if the sun has well and truly disappeared. Now all that remains is to consider what those desperadoes are doing still in the water? Surely they aren't in the queue for the first wave of tomorrow?
Moffat Beach
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Friday, 1 January 2016
Happy New Year!

May 2016 be filled with colourful birds and flowers dripping with honey!
This is one of my favourite photos from last year, in part because it was taken from my front verandah - it reminds me why I live where I live!
This is just one of many "photos of the year", todays theme day for City Daily Photo Bloggers. For more, please follow this link.
© Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
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