Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
The Plumeria or Frangipani as it is known is a native of southern India, Venezuela and Mexico, but it has spread through most temperate climates and has become somewhat synonymous with Coastal areas, including our own.
Autumn is apon us, and the leaves of the frangipani are already starting to thin, but here is one last shock of flower in our garden. The white ones and red ones have long gone.
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Ooolala! Very nice!
this looks like one of those koala greeting cards in OZ!
I don't know this flower but it is exquisite. Just a gorgeous bloom for us.
Golly, Virginia doesn't know the frangipani! I would have thought it would have blossomed under the weather conditions of the South of the States. There are still some white ones on the bush two doors up from me, but the leaves are rapidly ageing.
Frangipani has always been a favourite of mine ..thank you for bringing it into my day.
Ours are just starting to bloom.
It looks so delicate! I like the pink and orange colors.
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