I know they meant well, but wishing someone a "Happy ANZAC Day" is not cool.
It's a sad fact of life I suppose that the intent a somewhat solemn day of reflection and remembrance should be lost in a sea of smiley faces, and a 15% surcharge.
Noosa Heads
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
You said it all. Any day of this kind should not have the "happy" attached to it. Not the idea at all. Well done for pointing this out.
Nothing is sacred! What a shame.
You have to laugh.
They probably have no idea what ANZAC Day is about. At least it didn't read "Come celebrate your ANZAC day with us"!
You are spot on!
The most shocking aspect to me is the surcharge. You can commemorate if you want but it will cost you 15%.
Greg, in their defence, the surcharge makes a little sense when one realises that on Public Holidays here staff are paid penalty rates of about two and a half times their normal wage hourly rate.
The hospitality industry is not poorly paid nor reliant on tips!
I agree, it is a solemn occasion, a time to reflect for a short time on all those who are not among us.
Surcharges on holidays are now a fact of life, they blame the high wages but maybe its just a way of getting 15% extra off us!
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