Well, having given the poor old Sallies a pasting yesterday, do the Suncoast Christian Care people score any more points for their contribution to the streetscape?
I don't mean to be critical of the organisations at all, they survive and use their funds as best they can, but Nambour could really do with a dose of "caring" itself if it's going to present like the living viable part of the city that it really should be.
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Nice colorful photo, well-composed. I wonder what that phrase means, "Christian Care"?
They need more caring people like yourself to get in there and volunteer and give them a hand, especially if you are good at sprucing people up! They are made up of ordinary people like ourselves, and we can always do with a helping hand, eh?
Annie you are so right!
But as I think I said, the funds that are available are best served doing other things, so there's a bit of a Catch 22 about it.
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